Bringing humanity to work

Hello Brave Ones,

My peeps know that I have been thinking about hanging out my shingle for a while. In fact, I was poised a few years ago when I made the decision to accept a role “in house.”

Since leaving that position, I have been reflecting on my professional and personal paths to date. They have been paved with incredible opportunities and events. Many were fun, others not so much but they all brought tremendous learning and growth. From one experience to the next an abundance of lessons and “aha” moments have reinforced my passion and admiration for the human spirit. I have indeed witnessed and experienced incredible examples of its beauty, brilliance, strength, and resilience.

At this stage of my life, there are a couple of things I know for sure:

The first is that we all have potential far beyond our self-limiting thoughts. Through my coaching and leadership roles, I have had firsthand experience in helping individuals find their way forward and achieve things they never thought possible. This is so cool to witness.

• My second certainty is that, in order to be fulfilling, work has to be about more than getting a paycheck. What’s amazing about this is that when people are fulfilled at work, it gives organizations the power to shine every day, weather storms, navigate challenges, reinvent themselves as needed, and ultimately be tremendously successful. In my corporate roles, I have been the architect of such thriving environments. It is simply awe-inspiring.

So, I have been thinking about how to best be of service and leverage my life lessons, while keeping in mind that unleashing individual or organizational potential puts a bounce in my step.

My purpose is now clear and simple: bringing humanity to work. That is what is needed most right now, it’s time to be brave. More than ever, we must celebrate what it means to be human, in all of its colorfulness and beauty. Getting there requires, among other things, having the courage to challenge outdated beliefs, behaviors and practices. It’s about choosing courage over comfort and creating safe spaces for holding difficult conversations. I discovered that such conversation is not always possible in an employment relationship, not without putting your livelihood at risk.

So, it is with a strong sense of purpose that I hang out my shingle and while this next chapter brings the occasional spark of fear, I hang on to the words of Dr. Rob Gilbert, “It’s okay to have butterflies in your stomach, just get them to fly in formation.”

Find out how I can help you bring humanity to work – visit my website now or contact me directly at


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